Yu Yang
Dr. Yang graduated from Nanjing Normal University. Joined QTES in 2019. Research area: thermal transport control and low dimensional thermal and electrical transport experimental measurement .E-mail: 772676548@qq.com
TingTing Wang
Dr.Wang Joined the research group in 2019 as an undergraduate student of grade 2018 of Nanjing Normal University. Research area: low-dimensional interface thermal conduction. E-mail: 1071336612@qq.com
Hong Sun
Dr. Sun is a 2017 undergraduate at the College of Physical Science and Technology, Nanjing Normal University. He joined the research group in 2021. Reaserch arreas: chiral phonons and phonon angular momentum. Email: 1554562149@qq.com.
Zehao Yu
Dr. Yu joined the research group in 2021. Reaserch areas: thermoelectric properties of two-dimensional materials. Email: 915942853@qq.com
Ning Zhao
Dr.Zhao joined CQTES in 2023. Reaserch areas: multi-carrier coupled heat transfer mechanism. Email: zhaoningzhao0205@163.com
meilin Li
Dr. Li graduated from Shandong Normal University and joined our research group in 2022. Reaserch areas: low-dimensional interface heat conduction. Email :limeilin1122@163.com
Qingxuan Wang
Dr. Wang joined CQTES in 2022.Reaserch areas: heat transport of amorphous materials. Email 221001004@njnu.edu.cn