" Workshop on Thermal Transport 2016 (WTT2016)" will be hold on May 18-22, 2016, in
Xianlin Hotel, Nanjing Normal University, Prof. ZHANG Lifa will be the Chair of WTT2016.
The topic of WTT2016 is " Non-Equilibrium Green's Function (NEGF) and Quantum Thermal
Transport (QTT)", Prof. WANG Jian-Sheng, a well-known statistical physicists, will give four special
lectures, and Prof. LÜ Jing-Tao and Prof. Wang Jian will give a combined lecture. There will be more
than 40 professors and graduate students come from National University of Singapore, Tongji
University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Xiamen University, Xiangtan University
and Nanjing Normal University. We believe this workshop will give the related reserchers a chance to
better understand the theories on QTT, especially NEGF, and also promote the research on QTT.
The workshop will include five lectures:
1) Basics of thermal transport;
2) NEGF for phonons, electrons, and photons;
3) NEGF "technologies", rules of calculus;
4) Feynmann diagrammatics, Hedin equations;
5) Applications.
The registration fee is ¥1000,accommodation is not included. Registration Date & Venue:
May 17, 2016 @ Xianlin Hotel, Nanjing Normal University.